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The Year 2020 [The Year Of Queen Laura]

The Year 2021 [The Year Of Completion]

The Year 2022 [The Year Of Death]

The Year 2023 [The Year Of Death II]

The Year 2024 [The Year Of Death III]

The Year 2025 [The Year Of Death IV]

The Unexpected Criminal Airspace Attacks Of Attempted Murder, Queen Laura Of The Ultimate Kingdom. The Criminal Investigations, Handlings & Criminal Resolutions Are Being Handled By Obedience That Accurately Gets Things Through. There were the various Countries, Private Islands And Individuals Of Conspiring, Criminal, Disturbing Involvement.


The Responsible Criminals Of The Crime, Malicious [Dangerous], Maniacal [Can't Cut It Out], Disobedient To No End, Crafty Wise, Sinister, Harmful, Hateful, Hostile, Foolish Ideas & Behaviors, Spying, Lying, Suicidal Bombers, Contaminated Chemical Warfare, Over Restricted Airspaces, Incorrectly Assuming, Focusing On One Person While Harming Another Taking Too Many Liberties!

Queen Laura & Her Royal Family Having Suspended The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories For Ten Months, Will Now Have The Countries & Private Islands Suspended For Five Years, In Compliance To The AAA+ Five Diamond Laws. Furthermore, The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories Is Now Private Exclusive To Prevent Any Incidences Of Betrayal And External, Foolish, Unscrupulous, Criminals To Disturb It And Cause Future Trouble.

With The False Accusations, Lies, Deception, Threats And Criminal Behavior Directed Towards Queen Laura And Her Royal Family, They Sought To Do And Provide The Truth And Have Now Been Vindicated. Each Family Member Has Passed Every Criminal Background Check To Be The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories For Many Years. The Have Obeyed The Laws Of The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories Faithfully For The 22 Years, With Kingdom Finished Until The Lord's Return For A Year. The Have Passed the Various Criminal Background Checks In The Visiting Countries And Obeyed Their Laws Carefully. They Have Lived Their AAA+ Five Diamond Lifestyle For Over 40 Years. Queen Laura Is An Immaculate Household Keep For 25 Years, Being Doctorate Of Home Economics. She Is Also Fine Culinary Enjoyment And Royal Vogue Evenings, Being Doctorate Of Culinary. She Tries To Keep her In's And Out's Safe, Sensibly, And Sweet. She Is Also Known In Every AAA+ Five Diamond Establishment As Fineness.

The Global Hit Arrangement And Criminal Airspace Attacks Perpetrated Against The Royal Family Took Them By Surprise. The Dangerous Criminals Decided To Use the Satellite Jurisdictional Apparatus, Dig Them Up, And Find Them Wherever They Are. They Then Proceeded To Attack Their Bodies Using The Satellites Placing Them At Gun Point And Inflicting Them Harmfully, And Emitting Sick Contaminates And Substances, Of A Very Nasty Origin. Their Behavior Was Hostile, Threatening, Prideful, Dangerous, Disobedient, Deceptive, Disrespectful, Sinister, Insidious, Unexpected, Provoking, Lying, Taking Of Liberties, Assuming Incorrectly, Hazardous, Reckless, Irresponsible, Foolish.

Queen Laura & Her Medical Royal Family, Of The Finest Doctors And Lawyers In The World, Realizing The Criminals, Had To Now Quickly Investigate. They Had To Discover The Truth Of Each Other, The Dangerous Conspiring And Suicidal Bomber Plots To Kill Whoever They Wanted And Us All. Queen Laura Had To Take Out 2.5 Million Suicidal Bombers, Under Attacks, Hostility, Threats, Harm, And Difficult Conditions, Or They Would Have Certainly Killed Us All.

The Various Securities, Lawyers, Courts, & Leaders, Did Not Take This Criminal Act Of Attack Seriously And Disobeyed The Royal Family Too Much. Given The Investigative Findings, And The Specifics And Statistics Of What Transpired, Just Is, And What Proves To Be, Good, Bad, And Indifferent, Disobeyed To Their Own Detriment. The Criminals With Their Powers Of Persuasion Were Coddled, Given The Dangerous Devices, And Allowed Their Own Way. They Down Right Disobeyed The Laws And The Wish And Will Of Our Family Indeed, And Almost Cost A Catastrophe, So Disastrously.

The Responsible Royal Family Felt That Is Was Vitally Important To Figure Out The Truth And Resolve this Dangerous Undesirable Criminal Act To. Queen Laura Realized, That The Criminals Were Crafty, Deceptive, Dangerous, As They Were Directing, Foolish, Reckless, Disobedient, Irresponsible, Taking Of Liberties, Employees. They Were Fooling Recklessly Around With Dangerous Devices Filled With Hazardous Contaminates, Material and Substances Of An Unknown Foreign Origin Indeed, Attacking, Inflicting, Jeopardizing, Civilized Humanity, With Reckless Disregard. In An Airspace Type Of Hit Arrangement Attack, Unexpectedly, Unsuspectingly, Whoever, Wherever, Whenever, They Wanted. Planet Earth Seemed To Be Under Some Type Of Chemical Warfare, And Like The COVID, Those Individuals Who Indicate, By Look Or Smell, That They Have Been Impacted, Needed To Socially Distance Themselves In Obedience, Or Be Socially Distanced Responsibly, To Prevent The Contaminates From Affecting Civilized Humanity.

The Criminals That Attacked The Queen & The Royal Family Did Not Take How They Felt Into Consideration. They Did Not Realize, The Hostility, Threats, Broken Laws, Unfair Behavior, Stealing, Infuriating, Provocation, Jeopardizing, Disgust, Harm, Disobedience, Upsetting Of Wish And Will, How Vastly Known, Global Threats, Fear Of Nasty Betrayal, Injury, Irreversible Harm, And Loss Of Life.



The Criminal Act Of An Unexpected Attack Had Multiple Unforeseen, Undisclosed, Elements, That Made Proper, Permanent, Resolution, More Difficult Than Anyone Could Have Expected. The Attacks Where Over Restricted Airspace, In Sleep Of REM, Being Incoherent, And Very Preoccupied Moments, When We Would Least Expect Or Suspect. To Add To The Degrees Of Difficulty, When We Did Suspect, The Criminals Would Lie And Deceive, To Make The Act Difficult To Figure Out, As Well As Down Right Disobey In Not Cutting It Out. We Warned Them That They Were Breaking The Law, And Proceed To Criminally Prosecute The Responsible Individuals.

Queen Laura And Her Royal Family Know That Their Personal, Living, Breathing, Airspace Is Restricted. Given The Restrictions, Their Personal Air Spaces Are To Be Clean, Clear, And Comfortable At All Times. The Country Of Queen Laura's Heaven Access, What Is Found Within The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories, The Statuses And Accomplishments, Wealth, And Handling Of Queen Laura And Her Family Is Why This Is Of Such.



Given Queen Laura's Heaven Access, The Country After The Queen's Name, Bestowing Her With Indefinite Powers, Queen Laura Gardner International Airport, The Airport After the Queen's Name, For Safe, Clear, Aircraft Travel. Queen Laura Having To Create, Own, Master And Regulate The Weapons Of Devastation And Finality. The Infinity Lock Placed By The Most Trusted Generals, With Queen Laura The Finest Master General In The World, To Prevent Suicidal Bombers From Killing Us All.



Queen Laura And Her Family's Vast Wealth Of Resources & Money. Queen Laura Is The Most Oil, Platinum And Emeralds In The World, The Third Most Gold, The Fifth Most Silver And Diamonds, The Eleventh Most Ivory, A Collection Of Ever Jewel Valued At 15 Million Dollars, And Two Of The Largest Banks In The World. The Queen's Official Bank At 220 Trillion And The Ultimate Kingdom's Official Bank At 1 Trillion 896 Million GSP. Queen Laura & Her Family's Net Worth Is An Astounding 960 Trillion 40 Billion 896 Million Dollars.



The Royal Family Having Media Fame & Accreditation, Is Know In Multiple Countries For Over A Century. From The Queen's Great, Great, Grandfathers, Indian Chief Adam T. Houston & Car Manufacturer Henry D. Ford, To Queen Laura Herself, Having Aired Since The Age Of 2 Months To 4 Years On ABC, From 11 To 15 Countries For 14 Years, Live In Every Country And Every Private Island, For 13 Years, Airing For 42 Years. As Doctorate Of Cinematography, Doctorate Of Communication Broadcasting, Doctorate Of Music. Queen Laura Is Founder And Owner Of The Public Media Of The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories. Being Vastly Know With 35 Authoritative Titles, That Will Always, Always, And Will Always Be, Made Permanently, Known To Be, And Is Just Of Such. Having Kept The Laws Concerning Them All For Six Years Of Retirement. Queen Laura Is Also Cinema Star And Musical Star For 18 Years & Super, Super Fine Model For 9 Years, With 96,000 Cases Of Obsession.



The Legal, Lawful, Handling Of This Crime Was Request By Queen Laura To Be Handled As Text Book Crime, Especially Given How Vastly Known, And Being No Respecter Of Persons Her Whole Life, And Her Ancestors Before Her. Queen Laura Is An Associates Degree In Law At 18, Doctorate Of Law For 9 Years, 267 Court Cases, 24 Years Of Legal Experience, Seen As The Finest Lawyer And Supreme Court Justice In The World.

Given How Dangerous, Provoking, Crafty & Nasty The Criminals Are, In These Attacks Behind The Back, Digging Us Up, And Harming Us, Wherever We Can Be Found. The Airspace Hit Arrangement, Required A Getting Out Of Our Personal Lives, To Resolve It Properly. Weather They Themselves Back Down Completely, Or They Are Permanently Restrained From Our Physical,  In The Bringing Down In Punishable Accordance. 

Queen Laura Of The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories, Took The Handling Of The Crime Into Three Stages, After Legally And Lawfully Filing In The Citizens & Capital Court Houses. She Did For What Compensation Demands, And Received 184 Billion 430 Million Dollars For The Crime. She Then Did For What Justice Demands, With The Countries Of The Laws Of The Satellites, And The Required Acceptable Standard Base, And Gave The Criminals Every Punishable, Bodily Afflictions, They Gave Her Indeed. She Then Decided To Do For What Wisdom Demands, In Never Again Having This Type Of Attack Be, Resolved Properly And Permanently. We Then Recommended Preventative Measures, As We See, To Not Have Anything Like This Repeated Verifiably.

Given The Statistics And Specifics, Of What Just Proves To Be, Queen Laura Felt Very Disappointed, In All Who Disobeyed Her, With This Careful Handling. The Criminals Killed 8 Million People Move On And Stated That They Were Stupid. They Then Were Not Careful, With What Was Undesirably Seen And Felt, With Their Bodies. Those Who Realized Did Not Wisely Ensure That The Criminals Back Down, Or Ensure Permanent Restraint, On Their End. The Criminals Took Them Out Looking And Feeling Good As A Result. Others, Not Caring Who Or Where They Cause Harm To, They Did Not Obey, And Be Grateful, They Are Fine, And Leave Others Who Wanted This Indeed, And Were Badly Harmed, And Killed, Foolishly. There Were Also Those Who Queen Laura Called Upon To Assists, Here In Resolving The Attacks Permanently. Some Lied, Deceived, And Disobeyed, To Hate And Perpetuate. Queen Realized What They Had Done, And Furious, Made Sure To Resolve Herself, With Them Trying To Provoke Her And The Issue. They Tried To Nastily Get In The Way. With Their Disobedience, Pride, Foolish Assumptions, Arrogance, And Showing Off. They Almost Triggering Off The Weapons Of Finality, That Would Have Killed Us All Very Badly.


We Will Remain Closed, In Compliance, To The Laws, Until The Land Spaces, Buildings, Establishments, Royal Family, Citizen Inhabitants And Visitors Are Fine For Good And Undisturbed. They Will Continue The Individual Investigations & Resolutions, Until The Criminal Intrusions, Criminal Behavior, & Other Objectionable Things Done, Also Come To A Permanent End. The External Criminals Will Be Consistently, Effectively, Punished In Accordance To The Laws That Govern Us All!


Queen Laura & Her Royal Family & Friends, Realized That Over Their Personal Air Spaces Dangerous Criminals Attacking Them, In And Out Of Their Households. In A Massive Act Of Self Defense To Prevent Bodily Harm, They Will Be Ranging The Weaponry, Of The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories, And Punishing Out All Disobedient Criminals However It Can Be Had!

Queen Laura & Her Royal Family, Friends, & Citizens Having Been Harmed Over Their Personal Restricted Air Spaces, Conducted A Massive, Intensive, Investigation, That Was Globally Announced. Given The Investigative Findings, They Came To The Conclusion, That Their Air Spaces Were Upset By Very Disobedient, Dangerous Criminals That Placed A Hit Arrangement.

The Air Spaces were recorded by The Imagination, Celestial, & Heritage Networks And The Accurate Finding Documented And Reviewed.


Queen Laura After Reviewing The Investigative Specifics, Sought To Document The Additional Findings, And Announced Criminal Resolution. In An Effort To Not Have The Undesirable People, Contaminates, & Weaponry, Affect Her And All Those Who She Deals With, We Gave The Counsel Of Wisdom In Warnings And Brought The Necessary Clarity. We Then Punished As We Can Feasibly Despite The Obstruction Of Justice & Interference Of Self Defense In Part. We Then Enlisted The Libraries To Further Warn For Us To Not Be Disturbed, And Were Successful With A Very Strong Pledge From Quiet A few Criminals Not To Do So. We Also Stressed The Importance Of Doing What will Allow For The Crime To Come To A Permanent End Indeed, For The Continuance Of Us And Civilized Humanity. Queen Laura Also Wrote The Death Agenda And The Standard Of Limitations Indeed, In The Hopes That We Will Eventually Have That Be.


Now That All Is Said And Done, It Is Evident That Continued Perpetuated Disobedience Throughout Is Why We As Humanity Almost All Lost Our Lives. There Were Those Of Suicidal That Did Not Wish To Continue To Live, And Killed Themselves, Others Made Foolish Decisions That Affected Others Unfairly Who Died, Several Behaved In A Reckless And Irresponsible Manner And Killed More Still. There Were The Suicidal Bombers That Felt They Should Be Gods, And Determine Who Lives And Who Dies. They Further Felt That If They Do Not Get Their Own Way Every One Is Suppose To Die With Them. There Were More People Who Disobeyed To Dangerous Extents, Feeling That They Are Above Everyone And Every Law, And Should Do As They Nasty Please, Until Necessary Logic Would Not Permit Them To Continue In Life As You See.



Others, So Prideful, Felt That With Volume, Disobedience, And Their Powers Of Persuasion, That They Would Have Their Own Way, And Did What They Should Never Have Indeed, Almost Costing Us All Needless And Senselessly. There Were Some Of The Highest Ranking Officials In The Various Walks Of Life, That Would Not Obey The Council Of Wisdom Or Instructions Please, And The Laws That Govern Us All That Rule And Reign Supreme. The Crafty Unscrupulous Criminals Realizing This, Killed Volumes Of Them, And Moved Right Along, Getting Completely Off. Some People, Thinking That There Way Alone Is Right, And That They Know Everything, Disobeyed Until Medical And Necessary Logic Would And Could Not Allow For Continuance.


The Queen Of The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories Decided, Given The Lies, Deception, And Inconsistencies, Heard About Her, To Go On Trial, With The Various Courts Of Earth. After Many Days Of Discussions, Evidences, And A Whole Week Of Monitored Observation, The Verdict Concerning Her And Her Character Came Down. Queen Laura Of The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories Proven Innocent For Remaining Years Throughout. The Document Concerning Can Be Found In The Capital Court House & The Royal & Presidential Palace Of The Ultimate Kingdom, The Citizens Court House & The Royal Majestic Palace Of Queen Laura's Heaven Access, The Star Wars Castle Of G Royal Private Island, The Happily Ever After Castle Of A Royal Private Island, The Royal Vogue House Of Romance Private Island, And The Royal Family's Camping House.

The Criminal Felons Responsible For Attacking The Queen Of The Ultimate Kingdom & The Territories, Their Family, Friends, Staff, Securities, Countries, Private Islands, And Even Their Fans, Have Been Warned, Investigated, On Trial, Evidences Reviewed, Proven Facts, Statements, Evidentiary, Court Hearings, Evaluations, Witnesses, Observations, Depositions, And Thorough Accurate Understanding. They Have Been Proven Guilty Throughout, Of Malicious, Maniacal, Vile Pedophile, Sick, Twisted, Insidious, Nasty, Hate Crime, Taking Of Liberty Behavior, Hit Arrangement, Attempted Murder, And Have Now Been Sentenced To Death. The Final Remaining Criminals That Have Been Coddled, Not Been Permanently Restrained Or Killed, Are Being Given Their Last Warnings, With The Standard Of Limitations To Obey, As Innocent Victims Of Crime, Expiring On May 1st, 2024.

Because Of The Global Plotting And Multiple Suicidal Bomber Hit Arrangement Attempts Upon Queen Laura And Her Family, With Their Personal Air Space Restricted For Nine Years, Uncovered And Disobeyed. Care And Caution Should Now Be Exercised Before Approaching The Royal Family And Their Properties. According To The Statistics 1 Million 538 Thousand Ashed Out Disturbing The Properties, And 28 Million Died Disturbing The Family. Given The Law, The Properties Are Not To Be Operated Under Air Space Attacks, And Every Citizen And Visitor Is To Pass Every Criminal Background Check. Furthermore, They Will Be Shut Down For A Minimum Of 5 Additional Years Because Of What Was Done, Condoned, And Discovered.

Queen Laura & Her Royal Family & Friend's Heavenly Clearance Directing Wise, Obedient, Punishable, Individuals, And Countries, For The Preservation Of Humanity, Against Murderous, Deadly, Foolish Suicidal Bombers!

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